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About  Charles

Charles Cassar was one of Malta’s leading senior artists, well known both locally and abroad. He was also an acclaimed educator having spent 43 years in the education department, where he served as a teacher, Assistant Head of school and as Head of school until he retired in 2005. For a number of years, Charles was a part time Lecturer in Printmaking at the University of Malta and a Lecturer at the School of Art. He worked as a graphic artist for many years. In fact he was one of the few artists in Malta who during the late sixties created awareness in graphic design. 

He was also the first to explore possibilities of computer generated art during the eighties. He rendered service to many important companies on the islands including Television Malta, Marsovin, The Times of Malta, Express Publicity Services and others. In 1983 the Malta Stamp Design Advisory board commissioned him to design a set of four stamps marking the ‘Commonwealth Day’. He was eventually appointed a member on the Stamp Design Advisory Board where he served for a number of years. He hails from Valletta but resided and worked in Kappara. Charles was educated at the Lyceum and in 1956, when still a twelve year old, he started his artistic studies at the School of Art in Malta. 

In 1964, he placed first in a scholarship exam and was awarded a four-year-government grant to further his artistic education abroad. He studied for two years in England at Croydon College of Art, Surrey and another two years in Italy at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome where he graduated in 1967. Charles has nine one-man exhibitions to his credit and participated regularly in collective shows both locally and abroad. His works are to be found in private collections in Europe, USA and Australia. The number of patrons of his works in Malta is impressive. The Museum of Fine Art in Valletta, Il Museo d’Arte Moderna in Pistoia and La Pinacoteca d’Arte in Locri all house works by Cassar. 

Throughout his long artistic career, he has won various competitions, obtained prizes and recognitions from both local and foreign bodies in the artistic world. In 2003 he represented Malta in the European Artist Exhibition held at the Italian Embassy in Washington DC. Over the years, Charles Cassar was secretary to Atelier/56, secretary to Art Teachers’ Association, Secretary School Management Committee, PRO at the Malta Society of Arts, artistic advisor to Din L-Art Helwa and President Milan Club (Malta).

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